By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of

I tell you, Nerissa, my little body is worn out by

this great world.

this huge world.


You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were in

You’d have a right to be tired, madam, if your life-troubles were

the same abundance as your good fortunes are:

as abundant as your good fortune.

and yet, for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit

From what I can see, the rich folk are as sick

with too much as they that starve with nothing.

with excess as those that starve with nothing.

It is no mean happiness therefore, to be seated in the mean:

So it’s not a bad level of happiness to be averagely well-off:

superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but

the wealthy turn grey with age sooner than

competency lives longer.

those with moderate means.


Good sentences and well pronounced.

Good points, well made.


They would be better, if well followed.

They would be better if you heeded them.


If to do were as easy as to know what were good to

If doing what is right is as easy as knowing what is

do, chapels had been churches and poor men's

right, small chapels would be big churches and poor men’s

cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that

cottages would be palaces. It is a good priest that

follows his own instructions: I can easier teach

can follow his own instructions. I can easier teach

twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the

twenty people what the right thing to do is, than be one of the

twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain may

twenty who follow what I’ve taught them. Your mind may

devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps

set rules to govern passion, but a raging temper usurps

o'er a cold decree: such a hare is madness the

cold reason. Young people are like mad hares

youth, to skip o'er the meshes of good counsel the

that jump the protective fences erected by a frail

cripple. But this reasoning is not in the fashion to

person. But this logic is not to be used to help

choose me a husband. O me, the word 'choose!'

me choose a husband. Ha, the irony of the word ‘choose!’

I may neither choose whom I would nor refuse whom I

I can neither choose who I should marry nor refuse those

dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed

I don’t like; that’s how it goes for a living daughter constrained

by the will of a dead father. Is it not hard,

by the wishes of her dead father. It’s difficult, right

Nerissa, that I cannot choose one nor refuse none?

Nerissa, that I can’t choose or refuse a man to marry?


Your father was ever virtuous; and holy men at their

Your father was a decent man, and holy men get

death have good inspirations: therefore the lottery,

profound inspiration on their deathbeds. And so, this lottery

that he hath devised in these three chests of gold,

that he created – in these three chests, of gold,

silver and lead, whereof who chooses his meaning

silver and lead, whereby whoever deciphers the meaning

chooses you, will, no doubt, never be chosen by any

will marry you – will, no doubt, never be deciphered by one

rightly but one who shall rightly love. But what

other than one who loves you. But are you

warmth is there in your affection towards any of

even slightly attracted to any of

these princely suitors that are already come?

those princes that have already come to see you?


I pray thee, over-name them; and as thou namest

Come on then, state their names: and as you name

them, I will describe them; and, according to my

them, I will describe them, and from my

description, level at my affection.

description, you can deduce how much I like them.


First, there is the Neapolitan prince.

First, there is the prince from Naples.


Ay, that's a colt indeed, for he doth nothing but

Ah, he’s a proper stallion, for he does nothing but

talk of his horse; and he makes it a great

talk about his horse, and he proudly makes the point,

appropriation to his own good parts, that he can

to strengthen his own credentials, that he can

shoe him himself. I am much afeard my lady his

shoe the horse himself. I’m afraid, my lady, that his

mother played false with a smith.

mother secretly slept with a blacksmith.


Then there is the County Palatine.

Then there is the Count Palatine.


He doth nothing but frown, as who should say 'If you

All he does is frown, as if to say, “If you won’t

will not have me, choose:' he hears merry tales and

marry me, clear off.” Even hearing happy stories,

smiles not: I fear he will prove the weeping

he doesn’t smile. I fear he’ll turn into Heraclitus of Ephesus,

philosopher when he grows old, being so full of

the morose philosopher, when he’s older, for he’s so

unmannerly sadness in his youth. I had rather be

rude and grumpy in his youth. I’d rather be

married to a death's-head with a bone in his mouth

married to a skull-and-crossbones

than to either of these. God defend me from these two!

than to either of these two. God protect me from them!


How say you by the French lord, Monsieur Le Bon?

What do you think of the French lord, Monsieur Le Bon?


God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man.

As he’s been made by God, I guess he is a man.

In truth, I know it is a sin to be a mocker: but, he!

In truth, I know it’s wrong to mock people…but, him!

Why, he hath a horse better than the

He talks as though his horse is better than the

Neapolitan's, a better bad habit of frowning than the

the prince from Naples’, and his frown is even worse than the

Count Palatine; he is every man in no man;

Count Palatine. He tries to better everyone, becoming no one;

if a throstle sing, he falls straight a capering: he will

if a thrush bird sings, he starts to dance; he will

fence with his own shadow: if I should marry him, I

fence with his own shadow; if I married him, it would be like

should marry twenty husbands. If he would despise me

being married to twenty husbands. If he hates me,

I would forgive him, for if he love me to madness,

I wouldn’t mind, for if he loved me dearly,

I shall never requite him.

I’d never love him back.


What say you, then, to Falconbridge, the young baron

Then what do you think of Falconbridge, the young baron

of England?

from England?


You know I say nothing to him, for he understands

You know I do not talk to him, for he can’t understand me,

not me, nor I him: he hath neither Latin, French,

nor me him. He can’t speak either Latin, French,

nor Italian, and you will come into the court and

or Italian, and you will put your hand on your heart and

swear that I have a poor pennyworth in the English.

swear I barely speak a word of English.

He is a proper man's picture, but, alas, who can

He’s a fine looking man, but unfortunately, who can

converse with a dumb-show? How oddly he is suited!

talk to someone who can’t speak? How bizarrely does he dress!

I think he bought his doublet in Italy, his round

I think he bought his tight-fitting jacket in Italy, his

hose in France, his bonnet in Germany and his

pantaloons in France, his floppy hat in Germany and his

behaviour every where.

behaviour from who knows where.


What think you of the Scottish lord, his neighbour?

What do you think of the Scottish lord, his neighbour?


That he hath a neighbourly charity in him, for he

I think he’s neighbourly and charitable because he

borrowed a box of the ear of the Englishman and

got punched in the ear by the Englishman and

swore he would pay him again when he was able:

swore to only punch him back when he could;

I think the Frenchman became his surety and sealed

I think the Frenchman backed him up, committing to

under for another.

punch the Englishman too.


How like you the young German, the Duke of

How do you like the young German, the Duke of

Saxony's nephew?

Saxony’s nephew?


Very vilely in the morning, when he is sober, and

I hate him in the morning, when he is sober, and

most vilely in the afternoon, when he is drunk:

I despise him in the afternoon, when he is drunk.

when he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and

At his best, he’s a little worse than any man, but

when he is worst, he is little better than a beast:

at his worst, he’s little better than a wild animal.

and the worst fall that ever fell, I hope I shall

And if the worst comes to the worst, I hope I will

make shift to go without him.

manage to avoid him.


If he should offer to choose, and choose the right

If he takes up the challenge to choose a box, and chooses

casket, you should refuse to perform your father's

the right one, then you’d have to refuse to perform your father’s

will, if you should refuse to accept him.

wishes, if you refuse to marry him.


Therefore, for fear of the worst, I pray thee, set a

So, fearing the worst, I’ll ask you to place a

deep glass of rhenish wine on the contrary casket,

large glass of German Rhineland wine on the wrong box,

for if the devil be within and that temptation without,

for if the devil leads him to temptation,

I know he will choose it. I will do any thing,

I know that he will choose it. I will do anything,

Nerissa, ere I'll be married to a sponge.

Nerissa, before I will marry a sodden drunkard.


You need not fear, lady, the having any of these

My lady, you don’t have to worry about marrying any of these

lords: they have acquainted me with their

lords: they have told me of their

determinations; which is, indeed, to return to their

plans, which is, indeed, to return to their

home and to trouble you with no more suit, unless

homes and no longer try to seduce you, unless

you may be won by some other sort than your father's

you can be wooed by some means other than your father’s

imposition depending on the caskets.

requirements involving picking boxes.


If I live to be as old as Sibylla, I will die as

If I live to be as old as the ancient Sibyl, I’ll die a

chaste as Diana, unless I be obtained by the manner

virgin like the Roman goddess Diana, unless I’m married by

of my father's will. I am glad this parcel of wooers

how my father wanted. I’m glad this group of wooers

are so reasonable, for there is not one among them

are so reasonable, because there isn’t one of them

but I dote on his very absence, and I pray God grant

that I do not hope departs, and I pray to God he lets

them a fair departure.

them travel home safely.


Do you not remember, lady, in your father's time,

Don’t you remember, lady, when your father was alive,

a Venetian, a scholar and a soldier, that came hither

a Venetian man – a scholar and a soldier – who came here

in company of the Marquis of Montferrat?

along with the Marquis of Montferrat?


Yes, yes, it was Bassanio; as I think, he was so called.

Yes, I do, that was Bassanio, as I recall his name.


True, madam: he, of all the men that ever I laid my foolish

That’s right, madam. Of all the men that I ever laid my foolish

eyes looked upon, was the best deserving a fair lady.

eyes upon, he was the most suitable for a beautiful lady.


I remember him well, and I remember him worthy of

I remember him well, and I remember he was deserving of

thy praise.

your praise.

[Enter a Serving-man]

How now! What news?

Hello! What’s news?


The four strangers seek for you, madam, to take

The four foreigners are looking for you, madam, so they

their leave: and there is a forerunner come from a

can say goodbye; and there’s a messenger arrived from a

fifth, the Prince of Morocco, who brings word the

fifth, the Prince of Morocco, who says that the

prince his master will be here to-night.

prince, his master, will be arriving here tonight.


If I could bid the fifth welcome with so good a

If I can welcome the fifth with as much

heart as I can bid the other four farewell, I should

enthusiasm as I bade the other four farewell, then I’ll

be glad of his approach: if he have the condition

be happy to meet him. If he has the character

of a saint and the complexion of a devil, I had

of a saint but is as dark as the devil, I would

rather he should shrive me than wive me.

rather confess to him than marry him.

Come, Nerissa. Sirrah, go before.

Come, Nerissa. Sir, go out before.

Whiles we shut the gates

As we shut the gates

upon one wooer, another knocks at the door.

upon one wooer, another knocks at the door.
